Crooked teeth can be embarrassing, and they pose a threat to your oral health as well. Still, you might hesitate to get orthodontic care because the idea of wearing traditional metal braces makes you cringe. We have good news! Here at Creekview Dental, we’re proud to offer Invisalign in Denver. This innovative treatment may be able to help you achieve a strong, attractive smile without the need for unattractive brackets and wires.



Instead of using a network of metal parts to reposition your teeth, Invisalign employs a series of clear thermoplastic aligners that are custom-crafted to work with your mouth. They’re much more comfortable than traditional braces, and they don’t call a lot of attention to themselves — in fact, they’re almost invisible. The aligners are also removable; you can take them out to eat and drink, which means that you won’t have to worry about any cumbersome dietary restrictions.

On average, Invisalign treatment takes about a year; that’s much faster than the average treatment time with metal braces, which typically take 2 – 3 years to straighten teeth. Another time-saving perk of Invisalign is that you’ll only need to come into our office every six weeks or so for a checkup, and these appointments usually last just a few minutes.



The Invisalign process begins when you visit your dentist in Denver for a consultation. During this appointment, we’ll examine your teeth and talk about your smile goals. Then, we’ll determine whether Invisalign is an appropriate treatment for your circumstances.

With the help of advanced technology, we’ll create impressions of your teeth and design a treatment plan to move them into their proper places. The plan goes to the Invisalign laboratory, which will create your unique set of aligners. When your Invisalign trays are ready, you’ll come in to pick them up. We’ll coach you on how to take care of both your teeth and your aligners throughout your treatment.

You’ll wear each tray for 20 – 22 hours each day for two weeks before you move on to the next one. You should only remove your aligners when you’re eating, drinking anything other than plain water, or cleaning your teeth. Once you’ve progressed through all of the aligners, you’ll be the proud owner of a perfectly straight smile! Just be sure to wear your retainer so your teeth don’t drift out of their new places.



Dr. Emillia Herman is happy to offer Invisalign to patients in Denver. She loves to see how this treatment can transform smiles and boost her patients’ confidence. To learn more about Invisalign, contact us to schedule your consultation.